In accordance with article 10 of law no. 71-1130 of 31st December 1971: “Fees are established in accordance with customs depending on the financial resources of the client, the complexity of the case, the expenses incurred by legal counsel, their reputation and the due diligence undertaken by the latter”.

The circumstances of each client and specific facts of the proceedings will be used to determine the total fees and payment method.
Where the length of proceedings, number of hearings and case management meetings as well as submissions and pleadings to be drafted can be determined in advance, a lump-sum may be proposed. Fees are then paid in one or more instalments within a fixed timeframe.
Where proceedings last for several months, or even years – as is often the case -, and various developments cannot be determined in advance, fees are billed as work is undertaken, on the basis of various criteria, with a variable hourly rate in line with the complexity of the proceedings and circumstances of the client. Invoices are then issued monthly or quarterly and should be paid within thirty days.
The total amount of fees payable is established in a written document signed by the lawyer and client.
Where there is a question of principle or a person is in an exceptional situation duly justified, the law firm may decide to work without charging a fee pro bono.